Blog: Tips on Squarespace Design, Website setup and small business tools
What should you include in your website home page content? (with examples to follow!)
What is the best content for a website homepage? What do we include in our home page? Read this guide to learn all you need on your website home page with lots of homepage design ideas to check out as well!
7 things you can do to make more sales on your website
The goal of most websites is to convert visitors to clients and this usually means the ultimate goal is to get your visitors to purchase your services or products. Here are 7 actions you can take to encourage your visitors to purchase your products or services.
The legal documents you need to include on your website and blog
When we create our website or blog it is easy to overlook the steps we need to take to make our site legally compliant. It’s easy to think that we don’t need certain legal documents for our site, especially if we have a basic site and don’t even have an email sign up. However, your website definitely does track information about your visitors and it is your responsibility to let them know how you are tracking that information and where you are storing it.
Top Tips for Website Project Preparation
So you have made the decision to invest in a new website - either a template, pre made website or a custom website design. Now what? Here are some things to think about and prepare for when planning for your new website.
On The Fence About Hiring A Copywriter For Your Website? Read This
Wondering if you should hire a copywriter for your upcoming website design project? Here are 4 key reasons you should outsource your copy to an expert.
How to increase your SEO reach when uploading images to Squarespace
There are many things you can do to increase your Search Engine Optimization reach on a Squarespace site including the often overlooked aspect of image SEO. Adding photos to your website is an important way to increase the visual appeal of your website and to break up your written content. If you are not adding the proper steps to ensure your photos are set up properly for Google Search then you are missing out on a valuable asset.
About pages - what to put on them and are they even necessary?
About pages are often the web page that my clients have the most difficulty coming up with content for. What even do you put on them and are they even necessary? Well, yes they are. Let’s walk through why they are so important and what you can put on them to have an effective About page.
The 3 Google Tools you Need for your Squarespace Website to Start Ranking
Top Squarespace web designer, Jodi Neufeld Design, features the 3 Google Tools you need to start ranking in search results. Click here now for all the info!
Where to find beautiful images for your website
Gorgeous images can make the difference between a knock out website and a very ordinary site. Here are my favorite sites for finding high quality, gorgeous stock photos for your website.
How to get your website to load quicker
As a Squarespace designer, the number one issue I see on client’s websites is slow loading web pages because full resolution images have been used on the website. Although it takes extra time and effort to properly prepare your images for your website, you will be rewarded with a faster loading site which will eliminate the number of people that leave your site due to slow loading times.
Follow these steps to ensure your images are the right size for your website and will not slow it down.
7 ways to turn blog visitors into customers
Many website visitors first point of contact with your site can often be a blog post, especially if the visitors are coming from Pinterest. There are many steps you can take to entice your visitors to stay on your site longer and/or to connect with you in a longer term relationship.
This post will explore 7 ways you can entice your visitors to stay on your site longer and engage with more of your content.