Your Ultimate Resource Hub for Stock Photography, Icons, and More
Recommended Resources
Your one stop reference for Stock Photography, Icons, Graphics, Squarespace plugins, legal documents, fonts, color tools, photo tools and more!
*some of these resources are affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission for any purchases you make at no additional cost to you
Table of Contents:
Stock Photography and Videos
Graphics, fonts, templates and more
Font foundries and illustrations
Indispensable Business Tools
Recommended Courses & Memberships
Squarespace Plugins & Tools
Tools I use for Squarespace
Squarespace Template Shops
Image tools for compressing, editing and removing backgrounds
Pattern, Graphic and Font Tools
Color and Gradient Tools
Tools for creating mockups and social media graphics
Legal Documents for your Website - Shops

Stock Photography and Videos
Paid Stock Photos
Stock Video

Iconmonstr - free SVG icons (no attribution required)
Lordicon - animated icons!
icons svg - create custom icons
Glyph search - search through a number of icon providers for a specific icon
Iconduck - a searchable database of free open source icons and illustrations
Orion Icons - SVG Icons
Indispensable Business Tools
An easy to use website building tool to create and update your business sites.
Squarespace is an all in one website builder that offers commerce, blogging, scheduling, email campaigns and so much more.
A beautiful easy to use email marketing tool to send beautiful emails to your subscribers.
Simple flat rate pricing no matter how many emails you send per month or how many subscribers are on your list.
Get 50% off your first year with my link.
Send invoices, questionnaires, have automated workflows and so much more! My online Virtual Assistant…
Get 20% off your first month or year. Free trial for up to 3 clients.
Loom Video
Easy to use video messaging tool that helps you get your message across through instantly shareable videos. Loom is what I use to record tutorial videos, blog explanations and reply to client questions with.
Haute Stock
My favorite place for stock photos and Canva templates. Gorgeous, sophisticated photos for female entrepreneurs
Moyo Studio
My go to source for photoshop mockup templates and beautiful stock photos geared towards designers.
use code JODINEUFELDDESIGN to get 15% off
Recommended Courses & Memberships

Squarespace Plugins
The original source for Squarespace plugins offers many robust plugins. Some of my favorites are the Lightbox anything plugins, Accotabs and Related Posts plugins
Will Myers
Will Myers creates the most helpful and reasonably priced Squarespace plugins and also has a very helpful blog.
Favorite plugins are the secondary navigation, Accordion dropdown and Affiliate link genie.
Beatriz Caraballo
A true Squarespace guru, Beatriz offers so much free content on her amazing blog, but in addition to the free content, she does have some plugins for purchase.
In addition to the plugins, she also offers some courses and a code snippet directory for purchase.
Squarespace Website Tools
My most well used tool as a Squarespace designer. Copy pages from one site to another, add a search feature to the custom CSS panel and so much more.
Universal Filter and Lazy summaries are some of the amazing tools available here. (more on these below)
A variety of well designed plugins to achieve so much more in Squarespace. Add a secondary button to your navigation, hide and expand sections and so much more!
Ghost Plugins
A huge selection of free plugins for Squarespace! There are also premium plugins and templates available.
Use code JODINEUFELDDESIGN to save 10% off Super Plugins, Templates, and Ghost+ Memberships
Chris Schwartz-Edmisten Plugins
A variety of beautifully designed plugins such as animated scrolling logos, a Mega Menu, a Scrolling image changer and more!
Use code JODI10 to save 10% off any plugin!
Tools I use for Squarespace
Squarespace Template Shops
Christy Price
Big Cat Creative
Station Seven
Applet Studio
23 & 9 Creative
Kate Scott
Ghost Marketplace
Image tools for compressing, editing and removing backgrounds
font tools
Google font previewer - preview every font on Google fonts on one page!
Font joy - generate font pairings
Ultimate Collection of Google font pairings
Wordmark - awesome tool to see a word or phrase of your choice in every font installed on your computer
Local Fonts - shows installed fonts on your computer in your browser
Pattern and graphic tools to create custom graphics
Patternico - unlimited seamless patterns for free
blob maker - make organic svg shapes
Squircley - Create and export beautiful SVG squircles to use in your designs.
get waves - make wave graphics for your website or social media
Shape divider - create background shapes such as waves, slants, triangles and more
Haikei App - create blob backgrounds, wave backgrounds, blurry gradients and more! SO COOL!
Color tools and inspiration - convert an rgb color value to hex and other options. Also, if you scroll to the bottom there are suggested colors to go with your input color value. - a very fun color generator. You can lock certain colors in place and keep pressing the space bar to generate colors to go with it - a great place to explore color palettes and to start creating your own
Muzli colors - search for or select a specific color and generate a palette from this color. Also view color palette inspiration here.
Color Hunt - thousands of trendy color palettes
Colllor - color palette generator
Colormind - test out how a color palette works on a webpage
Pinterest - so many color inspirations on Pinterest! I have a board full of color inspiration here
Khroma - uses AI to learn which colors you like and creates limitless palettes
Tools for creating mockups and social media graphics
Legal Document for your Website - Shops
The Creative Law Shop
(* use code JODINEUFELD10 to save 10% on checkout)