Redesign of a Ceramics shop website

Christiane Barbato owns a ceramics studio based in Phoenix, Arizona where she makes custom dinnerware and fine art ceramic pieces. She approached me for help with her website which had been set up by someone else and prevented her from using it in an easy way. She booked my "Website Fixer Upper" package to help with a mini site redesign of her site. This package was enough time for me to do a reorganization of her site that made it easy to use and visually appealing.


The Redesign Process

Christiane's site had been set up in a way where every time she added a product to her store, she would have to manually add it to one of her shop pages as well. With Squarespace there is no need to add extra work like this.

The original home page was a cover page that showed some of her beautiful work. We changed the home page to show off more of her work and have more text for SEO purposes. We showed her categories of work here as well to make it easy for viewers to find what they are looking for easily and visually.


The original home page (cover page):

The new home page:


We created unique shops for her ceramics and her fine art and used categories to make it easy for her customers to find what they are looking for. We also separated out her wedding registry to highlight that in an easy to find way.

Using the category tags on your Squarespace ecommerce shop is a great way to create an easy to use experience for your customer. 


A targeted header

I changed the header area to have 2 distinct areas. This is possible using any of the Brine family templates in Squarespace. The primary navigation area contains everything to do with the shop in order to highlight that and make it easy for her customers to shop. Since this is the main focus of her website we wanted to change the site to reflect this. 

The secondary navigation now contains links to her about page and blog and other pages that are not focused on the shop.

The previous header had too many options and made it confusing to find anything. A new streamlined navigation area makes it easy to find stores and information quickly.


Old header area:


The new header area:

Jodi Neufeld

This article was written by Jodi Neufeld, founder and owner of Jodi Neufeld Design who has helped hundreds of small businesses and creative entrepreneurs with their Squarespace websites to create beautiful websites that work hard for them and that are easy to navigate without a long term investment of time or money.

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