Blog: Tips on Squarespace Design, Website setup and small business tools
How to get the best testimonials from your clients
Testimonials from our past clients can be the most impactful marketing for us. But how do we go about getting those really good, meaningful testimonials? Read the post to learn!
What should you include in your website home page content? (with examples to follow!)
What is the best content for a website homepage? What do we include in our home page? Read this guide to learn all you need on your website home page with lots of homepage design ideas to check out as well!
How I am pivoting my Squarespace business to be able to help more clients in a timely and cost effective way
Here is how I am pivoting my business to be able to help out more Squarespace website clients in quick way and at a lower price point than a full custom website.
How day rates are transforming my business (and how it can for you too!)
For my business, discovering the benefits of day rates has helped me meet a demand that I previously was not able to fulfill and also has given me an excitement boost in my business. This business model is so efficient and allows me to help clients in a more timely manner, and make more while working less. Read on to find out more about how day rates can transform your service based business.
12 amazing tools for running your creative business from home
12 amazing tools for running your online creative business that save you money and time
How to grow your web design business
Strategies to take your website business to the next level
How to get started in your web design business
How to get started in your web design business when you have no experience. These are the strategies I employed in getting my web design business started.
7 things you can do to make more sales on your website
The goal of most websites is to convert visitors to clients and this usually means the ultimate goal is to get your visitors to purchase your services or products. Here are 7 actions you can take to encourage your visitors to purchase your products or services.
The legal documents you need to include on your website and blog
When we create our website or blog it is easy to overlook the steps we need to take to make our site legally compliant. It’s easy to think that we don’t need certain legal documents for our site, especially if we have a basic site and don’t even have an email sign up. However, your website definitely does track information about your visitors and it is your responsibility to let them know how you are tracking that information and where you are storing it.
Top Tips for Website Project Preparation
So you have made the decision to invest in a new website - either a template, pre made website or a custom website design. Now what? Here are some things to think about and prepare for when planning for your new website.
The most important course that I took for my Web Design business and how it helped me raise my rates
This is the course that changed my web design process to create a streamlined white glove service for my clients and enabled me to raise my rates. This course is a practical, helpful model for getting your web design business organized.
On The Fence About Hiring A Copywriter For Your Website? Read This
Wondering if you should hire a copywriter for your upcoming website design project? Here are 4 key reasons you should outsource your copy to an expert.