It’s not about you.

The About page is really about who you can help and how you can help them. Most of this page will address your ideal clients needs. 

Share how you can help your ideal audience:
who do you serve best and what topics or products you can offer them? 

Identify who your ideal client is so they know they are in the right place. 


People buy from people - show your face and infuse your personality. 

Find some connection points with them and break down the barriers. 

Use words that show you understand what your readers are going through and that target your ideal customer. 

Include some facts about yourself, but don’t go overboard here! 

Talk about how you got into your business and what excites you. Try to talk about yourself in relation to your business. 


What qualifies you to help your visitors? How are you different?
 How have you helped other similar clients? 

Show that you relate with your ideal clients struggles and talk about how you can help them overcome those struggles. 

Show past results with other customers. 


Make sure you direct your readers to take an action of some sort from your About page. 

If your priority is newsletter subscribers, include an opt in at the bottom of the About page. If you want them to check out your services or portfolio, include a link to that on this page. 

The About page is one of the most read pages on a website so you definitely want to optimize it as much as possible to convert your readers to subscribers or clients. 

Possible elements for the About page:

  • a good quality headshot where you are looking at the camera 

  • Don’t forget to include your name! 

  • optional: other casual photos of you 

  • copy that addresses their struggles - use their language 

  • copy that includes connection points with your ideal audience 

  • share your story - how did you come into business? 

  • a call to action - what action do you want them to take from here? View your services? Contact you? 

  • show how you have helped others - demonstrate your expertise 

  • include testimonials on how you have helped other clients 

Further Reading:

I have an entire blog post on About page content that you can view here.