Show the “before and after” 

The Services page will emphasize how you can solve your customers problems. 

Give them a before and after picture - what is it like now before working with you and what it will look like after they purchase your service. 


Emphasize the “value” of your offering - sell the results rather than the specifics. 

Be very clear on what your service is and what is included. 

For each of your packages list the price, name and what’s included as well as the process 


Answer questions before they are asked. 

Make a list of potential questions you receive regularly and create a “Frequently Asked Questions” section. 

Address any issues that your visitors may have that would prevent them from purchasing your product or service and address them on this page. 

For each objection provide a clear counter- objection. For example, if ideal clients think your service or product is too expensive then talk about the value of your product or service etc. and what return on their investment they may expect. 


The Services page can and should have a unique name that relates to your service (ie Speaking, Wedding Photography, In person Design Services, Couple Therapy etc).

You can have multiple service pages. Having multiple unique service pages is great for helping your site get found by Google as we can have many targeted keywords on this page that relate specifically to this service.

Possible elements for the Services page:

  • Social proof: include testimonials from past customers, any awards you have received, “as seen in” section. This builds the “trust” factor as they are thinking of handing over money to you and need to know your product will be beneficial to them. 

  • Frequently Asked Questions 

  • the packages/services you offer along with the their names, price and what’s included 

  • Clear instructions on how to take action - how do they purchase the service? Do they contact via a form? Schedule a call? 

  • Include your process and what they can expect working with you 

  • include examples of your work