The legal documents we need for our website depend on what we are doing on our website. Having the proper documents in place is important in case there are ever any legal issues with our website visitors. It is better to be proactive and protect ourselves.

Please read these articles from lawyers about making your website legally protected:

All about website policies

Make your website legal

and these articles (not from lawyers)

6 legal documents you may need on your website

Squarepace Guide to Cookies, Privacy and Policies

I have written an in depth blog post about the legal documents you need on your website which you can read here.

Where to find legal policies

Consult an attorney

This is always the best, but most expensive way, to make sure your business is completely legally compliant

Purchase policies

There are many reputable places to buy premade website policies. Here are a few:
(use code JODINEUFELD10 to save 10% off your purchase)

Annette Stepanian

Disclaimer Template


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