Footer Area

The footer area is the content that appears at the  bottom of every web page.

Think about what you want your visitors to do when they reach the bottom of your pages. Would you like them to sign up for your email list? Then include a sign up option here, preferably with a photo of an amazing freebie that they will get in return for giving your their email address.

Do you want your visitors to book a consultation call? Add in a strong call to action like “Book your free 30 minute consultation and get the process started!”.

Do you want your visitor to check out your store? Add Shop categories in the footer for easy navigation.

Possible elements for the Footer:

  • A call to action such as an email list sign up, and opt in offer, a button to contact you or book you etc.

  • Legal documents such as Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions *

  • Contact information

  • Business hours

  • Social media icons

  • An instagram gallery of your latest posts

  • Links to other pages on your site

  • A link to a frequently asked questions page

  • Copyright info *

  • navigation links

  • Other brand marks or icons

  • Newsletter signup

A footer area should have a copyright sentence and links to legal documents. (See the legal documents section)

For physical business your location is of the utmost importance in the footer and in other places of the website. Your visitors want to know if they are able to use your services or purchase from you and where you are located in relation to them will make all the difference. 

Including a map, and/or address is a useful option in the footer.

Also, adding in some text for SEO purposes is very important. An example would be for a photographer that could say “Wedding, engagement and portrait photography in the greater Oregon area”. A landscape company may say, “Providing landscape services in Flint, Michigan and surrounding areas”.

If you are active on instagram and your photos will work well with your website look and feel, then consider adding an instagram feed to your Footer area as well.

Include links to other social media accounts that you are active on as well.