Make it easy to contact you. 

A simple form without a lot of fields to fill is a great way for your visitors to contact you. 

Include your email address on this page or in the footer for people who do not want to fill out a form. 

What is the minimum information you require when you receive an inquiry? 

Include these fields in your contact form. Which of these fields will be required and which are optional? 

Provide an information message once the user fills out the form that tells them how quickly you typically respond to emails. 


The Contact page is a good page to include links to your social media accounts so that you can connect with your visitors there as well. If you have a local business, include a map, address and phone number. 


Consider a welcome message stating what services they can contact you about. 

Having frequently asked questions on your Contact page can help address questions that you may receive via email. 

You can also direct them to your Services page or a pricing page for further information. 

Taking these steps may eliminate the need for extra emailing back and forth. 

Possible elements for the Contact page:

  • a form that has the information you need in order to respond to them, but not too much so you don’t overwhelm them and prevent them from filling it out 

  • Frequently Asked Questions 

  • copy stating what services you offer 

  • a photo of you looking at the camera 

  • optional link to a an online calendar to book a call with you 

  • your working hours 

  • testimonials 

  • a thank you message that appears when they fill out your contact form that includes an estimate of when you will reply 

  • links to your social media accounts 

  • your phone number, email address, name and business name 

  • For location based businesses include your address and a map as well as hours of business