For businesses that can show off their work, a portfolio is an important page on the website to demonstrate our value.

Your potential clients will want to see proof that you can provide what they need and also to see if your style is a good fit for them.

We do not want to show ALL of our work, but just select your best work or the type of work you want more of.

Show your expertise by also describing how you solved your clients problems and what you did to make their experience fantastic.

Writing about your work will also help your search engine reach by including things like locations, sources, other vendors etc.

Portfolio pages are usually set up like this:

  • a main landing page for the type of service (ie Wedding Photography, Invesment Articles etc)

  • an image or text link to either a dedicated page, external link or PDF

Possible elements for the Portfolio page:

  • for each featured project you will want a title and a main photo to represent it

  • for each project your detailed page can feature a gallery (or more than one) showing off your work

  • include text to describe what your clients problem was and how you solved it

  • include your customers testimonial as well!

  • some portfolios may be organized by categories as well

Tips on Writing your Portfolio page:

  • only include your best work or the work you want more of

  • include the before and after results - both visually and in your text

  • limit galleries to under 40 images preferably. Include a variety of the best images that capture your work