Why blog? 

A blog will establish your credentials with a potential buyer. You will come across as being an “expert” on the topics related to your service or product. 

Also, creating helpful content will improve your Search Engine Optimization reach dramatically. Google favors sites that get updated regularly and produce valuable content. 


Your blog posts should lead your visitors to your products or services organically. 

Blogging about problems that your ideal clients are having and providing helpful advice to them is a great way to earn their trust as an expert. 

Creating content upgrades (freebies that they will get in exchange for their email address) for topics you blog about will encourage your visitors to signup for your email list. 

Having valuable content will keep people on your site longer and improve your reliability ranking with Google as well. 

Include a link to other blog posts within your posts and/or at the end of the post - you can show related posts in the same category to continue reading. 

Commit to blogging on a regular basis to be consistent and increase your site traffic. 


Include an intro area at the top of your blog to introduce what your blog is about and who you are. 

Allow users to pick from the major categories you write about from the intro area. 

You can also feature your most popular posts in this intro area and include a search bar. 

Determine if a sidebar is needed or if you will use the footer area for highlighting your calls to actions or other blog posts. 

Another option would be to use the intro area at the top of a blog page to draw attention to any freebie downloads you have. 

Each blog post will have a thumbnail image shown for the associated post. 

Possible elements for the Blog page:

  • blog posts that get updated regularly - try to do at least a couple a month 

  • categories so people can find all blog posts related to a specific category 

  • a search bar to be able to find a blog post easily 

  • thumbnail images for each blog post so that you can display them in a beautiful way 

  • social sharing buttons to make it easy to share for your readers 

  • links to other related blog posts 

  • freebie downloads to encourage newsletter signups